Dalgety Defend Extra Spray On Sheep Blowfly Treatment

For the protection of sheep against fly strike (caused by dicyclanil-susceptible strains of blowflies (Lucilia cuprina)). When applied as directed this product will protect against fly strike for up to 29 weeks. For the protection of mulesing and marking wounds on sheep against fly strike (caused by dicyclanil-susceptible strains of blowflies (Lucilia cuprina)) during the wound healing process. 

Product type


Active ingredient

65 g/L Dicyclanil

Pack sizes

800 mL, 5L, 20L, 25L

Pest type


Withholding periods

MEAT: DO NOT USE less than 14 days before slaughter for human consumption.

WOOL: DO NOT USE less than 3 months before shearing or fibre collection.